This webinar will have all the new updates from HUD which are effective in September of 2022. These changes will give direction on many facets for a MOR audit. These are new guidelines from HUD having to do with a scheduled audit. This session will review and provide tips on file management as well as the physical inspection items to watch for during a MOR or tax credit audit.

In this session our expert speaker will review best practices.  There are many sections to a MOR or Tax Credit review. By attending you will learn from actual examples of pictures of “real world” mistakes.

Speaker will discuss file organization and set up. The major item in and audit are the tenant files. Each program has its own file setup, and we will cover what is needed for compliance.

Also covered is this session is physical inspection of the property. What items to look for and how they affect the overall score on the audit.

Session will also review best practices. This is important for landlords to understand to keep them from doing something that will result in a fair housing violation.

Webinar Agenda

Many audits of both HUD and Tax Credit focus on file management. If the files are not in order you will have a finding. Each type of financing has a specific order of content for their files. A discussion of this topic will let you know what is needed to be compliant.

Webinar Highlights

This session will give you strategies for you to get an “A” on your audit. Many tools will be added to your toolbox of options for a good audit.

Who Should Attend?
  • Managers
  • Owners
  • Attorneys
  • Compliance staff
  • Maintenance Staff