Each year the AMA releases revisions, deletions and additions to its CPT ® coding book. There are 153 new codes for 2024. Included in the new codes are several in the Surgery subsections such as the Musculoskeletal, Respiratory, Cardiovascular, Urinary, Female Genital and Nervous Systems. There are also new codes in the Radiology section as well as the Pathology and Laboratory sections. Several of the new codes are Category III codes that are being “upgraded” to Category I codes or regular CPT ® codes.
The 2024 edition of CPT ® also has 349 editorial changes scattered throughout the book along with 49 deleted and 70 revised codes. Some of the revisions are in unlisted codes, those ending in 99 that are found in sections throughout The CPT ® book.
Most noteworthy is the CPT ®’s definition of split shared visits. The AMA has opened up a bit of a can of worms in this by offering entirely new scenarios for split shared visits that digress significantly from the ones that CMS has. Joined this webinar to know more about the code changes.
Webinar Objectives
Each year practices need to be aware and understand the implications of the coding changes that are released. A code in 2023 that was appropriate for use, may not be in 2024 because of a new code, revised guidelines or a revision in the text of the code itself. Lost revenue can easily occur in these situations because of mis-coding and the need to appeal. This session will walk the listener through the changes released for 2024 and give them a better understanding of the codes. This will give them better options in making sure their code assignment is compliant.
Webinar Agenda
Starting with the new definition CPT ® has for split shared visits, a brief discussion of how it varies from CMS’ will ensue. Then the presenter will go through the various sections of the CPT ® book, making note of not only new codes but changes in language and changes in guidelines.
Webinar Highlights
- Split shared visits and CPT ®’s new guidelines for them
- Revisions to the guidelines for unlisted services found throughout the CPT ® book
- Revisions to the time intervals for Office and Other Outpatient services, what do you need to change in your practice model
- Category Iii codes deleted that are now Category I CPT ® codes
- CPT ®’s policies for telehealth in 2024
- Other new codes
Who Should Attend?
Coders, Billers, Physicians, Managers
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