Productivity losses, or inefficiencies, can manifest themselves in several ways including labor hour overages, project delays, or a combination of both. In all cases monetary damages ensue. The causes of any loss of productivity can be singular issues or the cumulative effect of several issues each possibly acting in a different way. Often, a loss of productivity is not immediately recognized, thereby adding to the difficulty in demonstrating and recovering for the damages incurred. In this webinar we will look at the causes, manifestations, and analysis of losses of productivity, in many cases using real-life project histories as a background. The attendee will thereby be equipped track and monitor the data necessary for early recognition of productivity losses, select the most appropriate method of analysis, and put forth a cogent loss of productivity argument or defend against inflated loss of productivity claims.

Webinar Agenda
  • Manifestations of productivity losses on labor hours and schedule
  • Immediate versus root causes of productivity losses
  • Cumulative impact
  • Record keeping to facilitate loss of productivity recognition and analysis
  • Methods of loss of productivity analysis
  • Case studies focusing on different methods of analysis
  • Covid-19 and loss of productivity

Who Should Attend?

Construction management professions including:

  • Project managers
  • Construction company Vice President level executives
  • Construction company corporate counsels
  • Attorneys specializing in construction law