This webinar by industry expert Laura A. Dixon, BS, JD, RN, CPHRM will cover the recent CMS Interim Final Rule on Medicare and Medicaid Programs, Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA), and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, with additional policy and regulatory revisions in response to COVID-19. Additionally, and with the recent emergency approval of the COVID vaccine on December 12th, 2020, hospitals and providers have guidance on the nationwide plan for the distribution of the vaccine for administration. Though CMS has not formally updated the Conditions of Participation State Operations Manual, these important changes impact facilities nationwide.

Webinar Objectives

At the conclusion of the webinar, attendees will be able to:

  • Recall legislation changes and updates for Acute and Critical Access Hospitals, Laboratories and Long-Term Care Facilities
  • Recount the rationales for the changes as it relates to patient care and safety
  • Discuss implications for noncompliance by various types of facilities and entities
  • Recall the CDC vaccination recommendations for hospitals.

Webinar Agenda

Review of Public Health Emergency and legislative response

  • History of regulations
  • Reasons for updates from CMS
  • Overview of key changes
  • Abbreviations used by CMS

Hospitals and Critical Access Hospitals

  • Overall changes with new regulations
  • Facilities affected under “Hospitals”
  • Authority of CMS
  • Conditions of Participation requirements
  • New regulations
  • Enforcement of new requirements
  • Other expectations from CMS
  • What Hospitals required to report and submit
  • Where and how to submit required data
  • Suggested actions


  • Overview of CLIA and oversight
  • CARES Act
  • June 4, 2020 Guidance
  • Key points of new regulation
  • Required data elements to be reported
  • Basics of Final Interim Rule
  • New Interim Rule Requirements and Modifications
  • Accrediting Organizations and the Exempt States reporting
  • Suggested Actions

Long Term Care Facilities

  • Previous requirements
  • New Enforcement implications
  • Testing requirements
  • Restricted Access and Mitigation of Transmission
  • Parameters by Secretary
  • Testing generally
  • Additional requirements
  • Restricted access and mitigation of transmission
  • Patient and Staff rights
  • Suggested actions

CDC Vaccine Recommendations

  • Goals for vaccination – especially with limited supply
  • Ethical principles
  • Groups considered for early vaccination
  • Reporting of Vaccine Adverse Events


  • Website links
  • CMS contact information by regulation

Who Should Attend?
  • CEO
  • Compliance Officer
  • Chief Medical Officer
  • Chief Nursing Officer
  • Nurse Education
  • Nurse Directors/Supervisors
  • Risk Managers
  • Patient Safety Officers
  • QAPI Director
  • Hospital Legal Counsel
  • Laboratory Director/Managers
  • Infection Control Preventionist/Manager
  • Quality Improvement staff