Each year The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposes fee schedule changes for Medicare. These changes are published for anyone to review based on the Freedom of Information Act. Anyone is also invited to submit comments about any part of the proposed fee schedule by a specific date set by CMS. CMS then reviews the comments and analyzes other information to then create a final rule. This final rule is found in the Federal Register sometime the first part of November to become effective on January 1st of the new year. Medicare carriers and providers will need to implement the new fee schedule rules to be compliant and avoid a delay in reimbursement.
Webinar Objectives
Providers that do not understand and implement the new Physician’s Fee Schedule Final Rule on January 1st are liable to have claims denials which cause payment delays. Understanding the proposed rules, and commenting on them if providers think they can, will allow CMS to keep the provider’s opinions in mind when the final decisions are made. Staff members can also a period of time to consider the proposed rules and proactively change workflows and policies to accommodate them. We will review just what the proposed rules mean for an understanding of how they will affect services and procedures performed by medical providers.
Webinar Agenda
- Discuss the new proposed rules to determine which one(s) will affect the provider
- Send comments to CMS if there is a strong negative opinion about a rule
- Watch for the final rule in the federal register in November
- Create an implement the pertinent final rule(s) in January or otherwise noted.
Webinar Highlights
- Determine what the proposed rules mean and how they will affect the providers
- Allow office staff to share their opinions on the rules
- Submit comments through the described process
- Decipher between the proposed rule(s) and the final rule(s)
- Implement the final rule(s) by the effective date
- Review processes for efficiency after a specified period of time
Who Should Attend?
Physicians, PAs, NPs, coders, billers, auditors, claims processors, claims adjuster, supervisor, manager, administrator.
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