The operative report remains the first line of defense for the coding and reimbursement of a procedure or surgery.  The best defense is a strong offense, so comprehensive operative report documentation can make the difference between an organization receiving timely payment or fighting with insurance companies for reimbursement they may or may not receive due to documentation deficiencies.  Every operative report must include the following components: heading, history/indications for surgery, body of the report, and findings and follow-up required for the patient.  In this webinar, we will take a deep dive into the intricacies of the operative report documentation, important strategies for successfully dissecting the operative report, applicable billing and coding rules, auditing protocols, and review practical examples.

Webinar Objectives
  • Outline key components of the operative report in 2024
  • Discuss strategies for dissecting the operative report documentation in 2024
  • Review key words to look for when dissecting the operative report documentation
  • Discuss surgical global packages and their impact on op-report clinical documentation
  • Discuss common surgical/procedural modifiers in 2024
  • Discuss the role of Computer Assisted Coding software
  • Identify additional reports and documentation that support the operative report
  • Outline sample auditing protocols for operative report documentation in 2024
  • Review practical operative report examples to dissect together

Webinar Agenda
  • Review key components of the operative report
  • Discuss strategies for dissecting the operative report successfully
  • Review sample auditing protocols for operative report documentation
  • Review common surgical/procedural modifiers
  • Discuss surgical global packages and the impact on op report clinical documentation

Webinar Highlights
  • Understand the key components of the operative report
  • Recall surgical global packages
  • Recognize common surgical/procedural modifiers
  • Recall additional reports and documentation that support the operative report
  • Recognize practical operative report examples and how to dissect them

Who Should Attend?
  • Medical Coding Specialists
  • Medical Billing Specialists
  • Medical Auditing Specialists
  • Private Practice Physicians
  • Managed Care Professionals
  • Operations Leadership
  • Practice Administrators
  • Office Managers
  • Compliance Officers/Committees  
  • Chief Medical Officer