Handling and processing employee expense reimbursements can be challenging enough, but to make sure that the expense program is in compliance with IRS rules to ensure that the plan remains a non-taxable event can be overwhelming.  This webinar will give the tools needed to be an expert at insuring that your expense plan is considered an accountable plan and help you avoid the common mistakes make that can make employers have to withhold taxes on such reimbursements.  This session will also review special concerns such as electronic methods, frequent flyer miles and spousal travel concerns.  A brief discussion on per diem will be discussed as well.

Webinar Objectives

IRS expense reimbursement requirements

  • Expense requirements
  • Accountable Plan vs. Non-Accountable Plans
  • Accountable plan rules - how they apply to employee travel and expense reimbursements
  • How employee business expenses made under accountable plans can be excluded from an employee's gross income
  • Daily Transit Expenses
  • Web Based Expense Plans
  • Per Diem Plans and IRS approved methods
  • Best Practices
  • Taxation Concerns

Webinar Agenda

IRS expense reimbursement requirements

  • Expense requirements
  • Accountable Plan vs. Non-Accountable Plans
  • Accountable plan rules - how they apply to employee travel and expense reimbursements.
  • How employee business expenses made under accountable plans can be excluded from an employee's gross income
  • Daily Transit Expenses
  • Web Based Expense Plans
  • Per Diem Plans and IRS approved methods

Best Practices

  • Taxation Concerns
  • How employee expense reimbursements should be run through payroll or accounts payable
  • The accounting issues associated with the use of per diems
  • Special Expense concerns such as Spousal Travel & Frequent Flyer Miles

Webinar Highlights
  • Will provide best practices on how to handle employee expense reimbursements. 
  • Discuss and review the different IRS approved methods from Per Diem to Accountable and non-accountable plans
  • Discuss details of electronic based reimbursement programs and requirements the IRS has for them
  • Review of special travel situations such as spousal travel & frequent flyer miles

Who Should Attend?

Payroll and Tax Professionals